Our Services
No matter the Jeep you drive, it won’t leave the shop until we’re happy with it, which means you’ll definitely be happy with it.
Lift Kits
We use high quality suspension lift kits such as Rubicon Express, Teraflex, and AEV. Different lift kits and shocks offer different rides and need to be chosen carefully to suit your driving style and habits. We’ll make sure you get what you need.

Bumpers and Winches
There are a ton of options for bumpers and it’s important that they flow with other accessories and lift/tire size, plus offer any practical needs you have for a bumper like winch mounts and tire carriers. Warn is the main winch brand we use, but there are other good options to suit slimmer budgets.

Wheels and Tires
There seems to be an endless amount of wheels and tires to choose from for Jeep Wranglers. Sometimes, this can be the hardest decision, but we will be sure you get a size and style you love.

Gears & Lockers
Nothing puts life back into a Jeep with oversized tires more than a proper gear ratio in the diffs. During a gear change is the perfect time to add a traction device, like a locker or limited slip, because it saves a lot in labor cost. There are a lot of options in this category, but we have experience with a few we really like.

Soft Goods & Other Accessories
It would be hard to have a category for every single type of accessory, so this is the accessory stew. From soft tops, lights and light guards, nerf bars, rock sliders, floor liners, seat covers, etc. etc….

Engine Performance & Hemi Conversions
We have done several Hemi conversions now, and feel confident that we could put one in just about anything. Even if you want the fastest mail Jeep…ever. No children to sell to get money for a Hemi? Consider starting with a cold air intake, power programmer, or exhaust system. From there we can offer superchargers and turbo systems.

Get In Touch.
If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!